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by Martin_Starski
Saturday 10 Sep 2016, 19:11
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: Polish Airports vol.1 X
Replies: 1151
Views: 2070491

Can you let me know what entry do you have in case of EPGD in scenery.cfg? Do you see any difference in comparision to EPKT, EPLB or EPRZ?
by Martin_Starski
Tuesday 06 Sep 2016, 07:58
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: Polish Airports vol.1 X
Replies: 1151
Views: 2070491

wyłączyć tekstury otaczające lotniska? Nie dam sobie głowy uciąć, ale.. przy wyłączonym symulatorze możesz wejść w Addon Scenery -> Polish Airports vol.1 X -> folderu danego lotniska i w nim do folderu "scenery". Sprawdzasz które pliki bgl mają największy rozmiar - jeden z nich powinien o...
by Martin_Starski
Saturday 03 Sep 2016, 20:13
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: Polish Airports vol.1 X
Replies: 1151
Views: 2070491

W realu w Lublinie nie ma GND - jest tylko TWR. APP tez nie ma - za przeproszeniem "lotnisko proceduralne" :P

Ale przypuszczam, ze bardzo ograniczone jakosciowo ATC w symulatorze wymagal aby bylo ground aby moc w ogole dostac instrukcje kolowania do stanowiska.
by Martin_Starski
Friday 05 Aug 2016, 21:37
Forum: General
Topic: And a new project will be... News and other stuff.
Replies: 774
Views: 1404638

Przeszły mnie dreszcze, proszę o jeszcze ;)
by Martin_Starski
Saturday 09 Jul 2016, 21:13
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: EPWA Warsaw Chopin Airport X
Replies: 933
Views: 922410

by Martin_Starski
Thursday 02 Jun 2016, 08:24
Forum: General
Topic: And a new project will be... News and other stuff.
Replies: 774
Views: 1404638

Czyż to aby nie nasza duma narodowa czyli Port Lotniczy Radom!? :roll:
by Martin_Starski
Saturday 21 May 2016, 22:15
Forum: General
Topic: And a new project will be... News and other stuff.
Replies: 774
Views: 1404638

Niech zgadne - nowe centralne lotnisko w Polsce koło Mszczonowa :P
by Martin_Starski
Thursday 12 May 2016, 09:27
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: EETN Tallinn v2 X
Replies: 333
Views: 408990

Hi Richard, According to my experience, in case of DD scenery there is no unistaller, which means that you only have to remove the scenery folder from Addon Scenery. As I don't know which version do you have right now (in case of Aerosoft there are little different version numerbing), I'm not only s...
by Martin_Starski
Thursday 05 May 2016, 09:25
Forum: Products - FS2004
Topic: EETN Tallinn 2014
Replies: 34
Views: 73423

Probably your post was overlooked, because DD has accustomed me to the great support. Do you have any AI traffic program? It's only my suspicion, but such programs have got their own AFCADs and thus it can be doubled somehow. No-one reported such problem, so something has to be wrong in case of your...
by Martin_Starski
Friday 01 Apr 2016, 09:56
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: EETN Tallinn v2 X
Replies: 333
Views: 408990

Is there a way i can change the shift+d bind? As far as I know, it's not possible because the SHIFT+D window is specifically designed for Drzewiecki Design and only lists objects for DD sceneries. I use that bind to swap views (...) Did you use Ezdok? Using the shortcut SHIFT+D can automatically op...
by Martin_Starski
Friday 01 Apr 2016, 09:37
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo X V2
Replies: 989
Views: 979578

Gavin, can you inform in which simulator do you have a problem? Can you confirm the order of things you did before installation of new UUEE scenery? I understand that you removed the UUEE folder from Addon Scenery and the following files: FS Folder\SODE\cfg\Drzewiecki Design.sdx FS Folder\SODE\sdx\U...
by Martin_Starski
Friday 01 Apr 2016, 09:16
Forum: Products - FS2004
Topic: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo 2015
Replies: 180
Views: 273918

from Aerosoft and in download page is shown v1.6, however installer shows v1.4 and still old scenery.
As far as I remember - in case of Aerosoft it's sometimes necessary to wait a little bit longer for update and there can be a difference of installer's numbering.
by Martin_Starski
Sunday 13 Mar 2016, 19:19
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: EPWA Warsaw Chopin Airport X
Replies: 933
Views: 922410

dotychczasowym katalogu, tj. FS Folder\SODE\?
A masz wszystkie pliki pod scenerie EPWA w tej lokalizacji C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE ? :roll:
by Martin_Starski
Sunday 06 Mar 2016, 21:03
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: EETN Tallinn v2 X
Replies: 333
Views: 408990

I've just added the missing EETN_X.sdx file to C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\sdx\DrzewieckiDesign but all jetways are still missing.

I don't have any problem with SimObjectPaths in my Prepar3d.cfg
by Martin_Starski
Saturday 05 Mar 2016, 15:50
Forum: Products - FSX, FSX:SE, FSW, P3Dv1/v2/v3
Topic: EETN Tallinn v2 X
Replies: 333
Views: 408990

I can confirm - there is no EETN_X.sdx file in C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\sdx\DrzewieckiDesign

I only have EPWA_X.sdx there