NY Airports v2 X

Latest version: v2.6 (2020)

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No change still the same.

Post by surfcandy »

I ran the installer for both airport packs with both versions of the fsx install options (Steam both and just fsx) and no change.

What I have is no buildings, aircraft, or anything appears except the aircraft in for example a gate for not only the packaged airports of NY but also ALL stock airports now to. I have nothing else in stalled in the Custom Scenery folder except the 2 NY airport packs. I haven't had any issues and when I first installed the airport packages the were working fine except for stuttering ONLY on KEWR 4L on take off (I have a high end machine). The rest of the runways were fine, So I thought bad install etc. and proceeded to uninstall (delete folder for NY airports in Custom Scenery) and that's when all my troubles began.
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lights error

Post by imnemina »

I downloaded the demo version of KJFK because I'm interested in buying the final version, after installing it, when I try it I have this error with the lights.

Did someone have the same problem? Do you know how to solve it?

Sim: FSX with acceleration. Direct X 10 activated
SO: Windows 10
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

imnemina wrote:FSX with acceleration. Direct X 10 activated
Disable DX10. It won't work otherwise.
surfcandy wrote:no buildings, aircraft, or anything appears except the aircraft
I believe I would need a clearer description. From what I understand you did a few installations of the product and some file messing in between. You should check for doubled Scenery Library entries but I do not really know what you did with the files. You need to retrace your own steps.
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Post by imnemina »

DD Stanislaw wrote:Disable DX10. It won't work otherwise.
disabling directx 10 im involves losing 50% performance. no way am i going to do that.
A pity, very nice scenario and good frame rate.
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Post by Jakubson007 »

Witam, czy ktos z Państwa z DD moglby odpowiedziec na pytania w Wsparciu Technicznym dotyczacym XPLa EPWA, bo widze ze tutaj mozna szybko odpowiadac ale juz tam nie ???!!!
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Jakubson007 wrote:XPLa EPWA
Co ma EPWA do tematu dotyczącego NY Airports v2 X? Poza tym nie bardzo sobie przypominam o co chodzi - proszę doprecyzować (w odpowiednim temacie).

Uwaga - wystarczy jeden znak zapytania i jeden wykrzyknik.
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Post by Jakubson007 »

bo nikt tam nie raczy odpisac

[ Dodano: Śro Wrz 20, 2017 16:00 ]
chodzi o swiatla taxi oraz podjscie na ils 33 w automacie
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Post by surfcandy »

surfcandy wrote:no buildings, aircraft, or anything appears except the aircraft
I believe I would need a clearer description. From what I understand you did a few installations of the product and some file messing in between. You should check for doubled Scenery Library entries but I do not really know what you did with the files. You need to retrace your own steps.

Alright getting a clearer picture of the NY Airports. I fixed the prior problem of the missing buildings by creating a new default config file after many hours of looking for the solution. Now that I have it loading and installed with all the scenery there is a consistent problem that occurs.I have made no changes to the config or nvidia files.

Most of the runways in both Newark and Kennedy towards the end just a few moments before rotate my machine stutters 2-3 quick stutters and then all is well and absolutely no stutters prior to or after that.It happens around the same spots on the runways and on no other runways just the NY Airport Packs for FSX.

I know it is not my machine because I checked several times and I am at or above above 40fps at that moment of stuttering and have a high end machine.

Again I want to emphasize that it only happens with these two NY Airport Packs. Any suggestions?
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Do you have the latest version of SODE installed? Some previous versions did generate occasional stutters.
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Post by trisho0 »

DD Stanislaw wrote:Are all of those 6 airports visible in the simulator? It does not matter which files were installed into the product's folder.

Yes, all jetways are animated using the Shift+D command → Select Stand, just as on the pictures above. (Obviously this is not the case with DEMOs).
Hi I have problem with SODE, Jetways not working with DD NYC Airports. Example: I load PMDG 747 or 777 (either one) aircraft on KJFK Gate C4 or B4. The aircraft is positioned correctly in Gate obviously but SODE ........? What to do?
Patricio Valdes
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Can you describe the problem? Did you test it with another aircraft, like default 737?
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

<<< P3D crash at startup after installing NY Airports v2 >>>

1. Go to Addon Scenery\NY Airports v2 X\Scenery
2. Move the following files to any other active scenery folder f/e Addon Scenery\Scenery (each package has 3 such files):


[ICAO] = ICAO code of the included airports

3. Go to Addon Scenery\NY Airports v2 X\Texture
4. Move all files with AGN extention to the Texture folder related to the Scenery folder where you've placed the BGL files, f/e Addon Scenery\Texture .

So far the issue has been reported by less than 0,1% of customers however the cause is still unknown.
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Post by gd44 »

Good Afternoon,

I have just purchased LGA, JFK and TEB. The scenery looks great, but I'm having some issues with the road traffic bleeding through into the scenery.

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Post by DD Stanislaw »

gd44 wrote:road traffic bleeding through into the scenery.
Thank you for this report. I will fix that at the next update.
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Post by surfcandy »

DD Stanislaw wrote:Do you have the latest version of SODE installed? Some previous versions did generate occasional stutters.

Yes latest version. It kind of disturbs the immersion especially when everything else is working as it should.
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