Chicago Airports X

Latest version: v1.4 (2020)

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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Thomas »

Hello again,

I just reinstalled the stage is good, my problem is solved, thank you very much.

Good night.


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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Martin_Starski »

Nice to hear - have a great flights!
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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by amahran »

Hi Martin,

Just posting to comment on how amazing the Chicago Airports X addon is; I got it while it was free on simmarket for my FSX, and had the lite texture pack because I didn't want to OOM at an airport like this. Nonetheless, the textures are fantastic overall!

One comment I have that you may consider for future updates; would it be possible to have darker ground textures and taxiways at night? My experience when flying at night is that an airport basically looks like a black hole, with some interspersed lights here and there, as well as having the apron lights. Otherwise, a real airport at night would be almost entirely invisible at night without the ground lights, unlike here where the taxiways and ground textures are astoundingly visible (this was set to midnight):

It's not a game breaking thing at all. Like I said, it's astounding otherwise and I love it! Thank you so much for offering it for free; I hope to use the money saved on this towards the Seattle Airports X within a few months!
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Name: envoyair3492

Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by envoyair3492 »


I am currently trying to figure out how to fix this issue that I'm going to describe below.

Whenever I fly into ORD, my sim crashes over the threshold without fail everytime... but departing is okay for the most part. I don't have this happen at Dzrewiecki Seattle Airports or Dzrewiecki New York Airports, or the Miami Product either. Would someone be willing to help me figure out how to fix this? I fly through ORD frequently since I do regionals.

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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Martin_Starski »

amahran wrote: Monday 04 May 2020, 23:17 would it be possible to have darker ground textures and taxiways at night?
Thanks for your kind words and given suggestion - we really appreciate all of them. In case of lighting / night textures I can assure you that it looks different in different sims, in different environments, in different settings or even based on different GPU. Some even report that there is too dim. Each simulator has own limitations and there is still a wide range of different sim versions, that we are still supporting, which causes different issues. Therefore it's really hard to find the so-called "universal solution" for all users.
envoyair3492 wrote: Monday 04 May 2020, 23:57 Whenever I fly into ORD, my sim crashes over the threshold
Hi. Sorry, but your description is not detailed enough to help. It would be good to know:

which simuator are you using?
what sim settings do you have and what are your PC specs? have you checked if lower sim settings make any difference?
what other addons do you have which may have an influence to this region?
is it CTD or OOM or maybe there is any error message? do you maybe see something in Windows event log / viewer?
which version of scenery is indicated by the installer? have you installed with lite texture pack?
have you tried to reinstall the scenery by running the installer with admin rights?
do you have SODE and have you tried to reinstall it using the last version ( ?
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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Note that P3Dv5 does those over-the-threshold crashes often. This is the sim bug.
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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Er!k »

I am using the scenery in P3Dv4.5 HF3; I noticed the taxiway bridges look transparant, and both user planes and AI cannot cross them (falling into a hole). Is this a known issue? I am not using any mesh...

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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by amahran »

Martin_Starski wrote: Tuesday 05 May 2020, 10:31 Thanks for your kind words and given suggestion - we really appreciate all of them. In case of lighting / night textures I can assure you that it looks different in different sims, in different environments, in different settings or even based on different GPU. Some even report that there is too dim. Each simulator has own limitations and there is still a wide range of different sim versions, that we are still supporting, which causes different issues. Therefore it's really hard to find the so-called "universal solution" for all users.
That's perfectly fine. I realize P3D utilizes dynamic lighting which may solve this problem, so me using a legacy simulator is likely the biggest contributor to this night lighting being too bright. Other airports are also similarly very visible.

Once again, thank you so much for the work you put in, and for offering it for free at a time like this!
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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Martin_Starski »

Er!k wrote: Tuesday 05 May 2020, 11:26 the taxiway bridges look transparant, and both user planes and AI cannot cross them (falling into a hole).
Can you let us know what is your mesh setting in P3D?
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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Er!k »

Yes sure, mesh is set to 1M:

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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Martin_Starski »

Er!k, it looks like the bridge model is missing, but it should be there. It's hard to say why it's missing in your case.
Can you try to reinstall the scenery with admin rights and make sure that it's on top of the scenery list?
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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Er!k »

Thanks, found the issue! I installed the airport only for KORD to save a few FPS. When you do so; the taxiway bridge issue occurs. If you install the additional details everything works fine. However the bridge should also work if you chose only to install the airport...

Just out of curiosity; I installed the scenery a few times with different options, but the BGL's are the same? How do you control the options? With SODE?
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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Martin_Starski »

Thanks - we will check this. Maybe we need to modify how the installer is working.
Er!k wrote: Tuesday 05 May 2020, 13:06 with different options, but the BGL's are the same?
The bgl's are the same, but their size is being changed 8)
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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Erik, the no-details version is more if you treat a particular airport as an alternate so there are much more things missing.
Anyway, we will try to regroup the library so that the taxiway bridge would be part of the basic package rather than the details package as it is now.
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Re: Chicago Airports X

Post by Er!k »

Understood, thanks!
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