SAM Suite - Scenery Animation Manager for X-Plane

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DD Stanislaw
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SAM Suite - Scenery Animation Manager for X-Plane

Post by DD Stanislaw »

SAM Suite is a native X-Plane plugin offering different possibilities to scenery authors focused on animations. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The plugin is highly optimized for performance. The most obvious part is the fact that calculations for datarefs only start when an object is loaded and in the visible range. It can be used in hundreds of sceneries without any noticeable fps impact. The plugin is installed into the main plugin directory, thus it's a global plugin and not per scenery. The sceneries only contain an xml file with the settings.

For more information, descriptions, problems, and support, please visit Stairport Sceneries FAQ.

SAM Suite can be downloaded from here:
Stairport Sceneries Website
Direct link