Our website, forum and vendors

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Post by michalkrakow »


Przez ostatnie parę dni status strony jednego z waszych ''potwierdzonych sprzedawców'' (chodzi mi tutaj o Sim-Planet) jest niedostępny i nie ma możliwości ani połączyć się z domeną organu sprzedającego i pobrać kupiona zawartość z ich strony.

Moje pytanie brzmi czy jest możliwość pobrania dwóch scenerii, które zakupiłem przez wyżej wymieniony serwis poza ich własną domeną po okazaniu potwierdzenia zakupu na tym oto serwisie?

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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Od ponad pół roku Simplanet nie widnieje na naszej stronie jako potwierdzony sprzedawca. Z tego co wiem, jeden ze współwłaścicieli zabrał kasę i znikł (przy okazji okradł również wszystkich developerów z dwumiesięcznych zarobków). Aerosoft miał skierować sprawę na drogę postępowania sądowego ale chyba na razie nic z tego nie wynikło, bo nie mogą gościa nigdzie znaleźć.
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Post by michalkrakow »

DD Stanislaw wrote:Witam.
Od ponad pół roku Simplanet nie widnieje na naszej stronie jako potwierdzony sprzedawca. Z tego co wiem, jeden ze współwłaścicieli zabrał kasę i znikł (przy okazji okradł również wszystkich developerów z dwumiesięcznych zarobków). Aerosoft miał skierować sprawę na drogę postępowania sądowego ale chyba na razie nic z tego nie wynikło, bo nie mogą gościa nigdzie znaleźć.

Dość dawno nie miałem potrzeby śledzenia tego serwisu jako iż nie miałem potrzeby ponownego pobrania scenerii.Jednakże z kolejnym przeinstalowaniem Windowsa muszę na nowo pobrać dodatki wiec ja dopiero wczoraj ewentualnie przedwczoraj widze ze serwis przestał ''widnieć/istnieć''

Dodatkowo sam na ich serwisie dokonałem zakupu dnia 27 Marca 2016 roku wiec prawie rok temu, kiedy Serwis jeszcze istniał.

Tego dnia dokonałem zakupu tych scenerii
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Ale sugerując się twoim postem jak na ten moment nie ma niczego co mogę zrobic, aby mieć dostęp do tych produktów.
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Since the SimPlanet store is down (since the end of 2016), all your purchases at that store are not available to access.

However thanks to the FSPS Store you can renew those purchases.

Simply contact https://www.fspsstore.com/support/newticket and attach an invoice from your SimPlanet purchase.
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Re: Our website, forum and resellers

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Our Forum has been upgraded from 1.12.8 by Przemo to the newest phpBB 3.2.2 .
The new forum will offer improved efficiency, performance and security as well as mobile devices support.

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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Due to a higher spam activity you might be asked to give our company name when logging into or registering on our forum.
Hope this will stop some spam. If something does not work, please write us on e-mail.
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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Dear Customers,
Today we have terminated a cooperation with 3 our vendors: Simware, Simshack and FeelThere.
Nothing was wrong on the vendors' site, it was our decision.

Obviously we are not leaving our customers who bought products on those platforms without a possibility to update our products when needed.

For FSX/P3D products please contact FSPS Store and attach an invoice from your purchase.

For X-Plane products please contact X-Plane.org and attach an invoice from your purchase.
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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Regarding PC Aviator: please make sure you are contacting info@pcaviator.com for support. Any other e-mail won't work!
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DD Stanislaw
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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Dear Customers,
We are sorry to inform that although we did our best in keeping an efficient cooperation with our popular vendor FlightSim Store, it is no longer possible. The store staff does not seem to be active any longer - products and updates are not published, customer messages are not responded to and vendors are not payed. We asked to remove all our products from this store but this wasn't done either. As for now we kindly suggest you not to purchase any products from FlightSim Store as it seems that people responsible for it are having major problems with managing it and keeping up with their responsibilities. Please note that all (or almost all) vendors selling there are having similar problems.


From now on we will not upload any content (including updates) onto this selling platform. If you are a customer of FlightSim Store and wish to update our products, please read this post on our Support Forum: http://drzewiecki-design.net/forum/view ... 239#p14239 . FSPS Store and X-Plane.org store agreed to provide help to our customers who are unable to update/download our products they have purchased at FlightSim Store.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this might cause but we do not really have any options left.
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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by paulhand »

Just wanted to say thank you for the very efficient licence transfer from FSS to FSPS - very smooth indeed and great customer service. It's a shame about FSS, but losing OrbX was always going to put pressure on them. Hopefully other developers will be as helpful as you!

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DD Stanislaw
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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by DD Stanislaw »

I am glad everything works as planned! :)
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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Our forum has been upgraded to phpBB 3.2.4. If anything does not work correctly, please report it to us.
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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Dear Forum users, due to an increased spam traffic on the forum we have removed about 200 accounts which were never activated and no posts were written using them. If your account has been removed but you still want to have one on the forum, please simply create another account.
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DD Stanislaw
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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by DD Stanislaw »

The registration has been reverted back to normal operations.
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DD Stanislaw
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Re: Our website, forum and vendors

Post by DD Stanislaw »

It seems like spam accounts are still being created, although at a much lower rate. This will probably lead to our older method of spam filtering, which is a Forum Password located in a particular topic, which a user would need to visit prior to registering. This method used to be very effective.
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