Product description:

Latest version: v1.1 (2023)
Bought it from Orbx store. No idea what is the reordering tool - did not use it.Martin_Starski wrote: ↑Saturday 17 Dec 2022, 16:29Which gates have you tried?
From which store is your version? Have you tried to set the priority via the Reorder Tool?
So is this "payware" GSX configuration going to turn the disabled jetways at the gates where the statics go into moving jetways, or are we going to just keep having to suffer with non-working jetways like we do with DCA, etc?DD Stanislaw wrote: ↑Saturday 17 Dec 2022, 06:43 Please note - the Cartayna Files dedicated GSX Pro configuration package will be available very soon. It is not available yet!
Wow, that is a very interesting setup
Hi. Perhaps you use GSX for that? Do they work correctly with default aircraft?
Hi. You were never told it was included and no, the SDK does not support it yet. We are awaiting that feature too and as soon as it is available we will update airports with fast exits.
No no, you do not need to suffer. There are tons of operational jetways and you can also enjoy nice static aircraft.
This seems to be a conflict with another add-on. As mentioned above, please have a look at your Reorder Tool and the Community folder. BTW, "Flyer" fixed a similar issue by excluding KEWR from the GSX Pro jetway list. Maybe it would help you too.
Wow, so... GSX was removing our terminals and jetways?
Hi. NY Airports are not included in the discount, only older versions are. Anyway, we often make sales of our products up to 50% so if you really want to buy it at a discount, you might await such a sale.