Dear Customers,
Although we are doing our best to provide you with quick and reliable technical support, unfortunately, there are cases when we are not able to help you simply because the problem is not our responsibility. Such issues are usually related to our vendors and our vendors only can provide you customer support.
Our vendors are responsible for:
• Publishing products for sale with correct and clear descriptions and links
• Publishing updates and informing customers about new versions as soon as they are available
• Handling of all payment-related stuff
• Providing downloads and customer accounts
• Handling of all non-standard procedures related to purchases (like refunds or product change)
No matter how much we want to help you with all the issues, it is not possible for us to manage the issues above. Each store is privately owned, each one uses different procedures and each one has different policies and priorities. Additionally, product publishing time is different in each store although all vendors receive products (and updates) simultaneously in one e-mail. Taking the above into consideration, we do need to ask you to contact our vendors directly in some cases. Each store has a ticket system, a support forum, an e-mail, or at least an FB account. Any way to contact a store is OK to solve your problem. Summarizing:
Please contact our vendors directly in the following cases:
• A certain product is not available (please note that publishing a product or an update can take up to a month depending on a store)
• Product update is not available (please note that free updates are treated by vendors with the lowest priority)
• Download problems/questions, unopenable files, corrupt installers (due to faulty upload)
• Discounts and special update offers
• Bought a wrong version of a product (f/e X instead of XP)
Please note that writing to us (or on this forum) rather than contacting a store directly makes solving your issue a much longer task. Besides, usually, we are simply unable to offer any help regarding the above issues. Sure in "extreme" cases we can contact store managers directly but they are usually very busy people and solving any problems this way simply takes much longer since it can take a few days for them to reply. Stores have dedicated customer support services to make things faster and easier for customers and it is highly recommended to use them.
We highly appreciate your cooperation in this matter!
How & when to contact our vendors
- DD Stanislaw
- Administrator
- Posts: 6289
- Joined: Monday 15 May 2006, 10:07
- Name: Stanisław
- Location: Warsaw, Poland
- DD Stanislaw
- Administrator
- Posts: 6289
- Joined: Monday 15 May 2006, 10:07
- Name: Stanisław
- Location: Warsaw, Poland
Re: VENDORS Support
Stores we currently cooperate with:
Stores we currently do not cooperate with:
FSPS Store
Obviously, we are not leaving our customers who bought products on those platforms without a possibility to update our products when needed.
For X-Plane products please contact and attach a proof of your purchase.
In case you do have a Simmarket account, please write to us directly and attach a proof of purchase of the product.
Please note that discontinued products will not be available in these stores.
Stores we currently do not cooperate with:
FSPS Store
Obviously, we are not leaving our customers who bought products on those platforms without a possibility to update our products when needed.
For X-Plane products please contact and attach a proof of your purchase.
In case you do have a Simmarket account, please write to us directly and attach a proof of purchase of the product.
Please note that discontinued products will not be available in these stores.