Seattle City X

Latest version: v1.4 (2020)

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Re: Seattle City X

Post by CycloneMike »

1. The programs that I need to uninstall are Drzewiecki Seattle City X and Seattle Airports and last night I tried New York City X which is doing the same thing.
2. There is really no screen shots I can show. The first time I run P3D with the above programs after I reinstall them,P3D runs flawlessly. But when I exit P3D and start again I get the large P3D icon for lack of a better term to call it in the middle of the screen with a small blue circle spinning longer than it does normally. Then I get a very brief blue bar with percentages across the icon for a fraction of a second and then all my screens go blank. 3. Yes, I had antivirus and Windows defender off and used admin rights during install.
4. Yes, the P3D forum is where I saw the suggestion about deleting the three .cfg files which I did to no avail. I tried some suggestions off of Avsim which also did not help which is where I saw the .cfg delete suggestion. She was having the exact same problem with Seattle X and she said deleting the .cgs files and letting them rebuild solved the problem for her, but it did not for me.
5. I have all the ORBX NA addons and PMDG 737 NGX all for P3D v4 and they work flawlessly and let me exit and restart P3D with no problems as long as the above Drzewiecki scenery is not installed.

Unless someone on this forum can come up with a fix, I am afraid the only thing left to try is to uninstall P3D completely which I am trying to avoid.
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by CycloneMike »

I also checked the SODE program and it is the latest version and my P3D is registered with it.
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by DD Stanislaw »

As this is first time we are hearing about something like this, I believe the only solution would be for me to look at that myself, via TeamViewer for example (you would need to install a copy on your computer: ).

When the screens go blank, are you able to change to the window mode just to see what is actually going on? Maybe there are some error messages for example? It would really help if I could look myself into that issue.
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Actually there are more reports of quite a similar behaviour of the sim. ... -start-up/ ... add-on-or/

It seems like a problem with inaccessible scenery paths. As far as I understand this might happen due to a faulty XML file, something in add-on.cfg or scenery.cfg .
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by CycloneMike »

When the screens go blank, the keys and mouse do nothing except if I push Ctrl-Alt-Del the blue screen with the task master menu comes up. When I press the "Task Master" option, it immediately leaves the black screens and goes back to the desktop. It doesn't even go into the stop process screen.

Also as I mentioned in my first post I deleted the scenery and then deleted three .cfg files and left them rebuild, rebooted the computer, reinstalled the scenery and still had the problem the second time I went to start P3D after its first run.

I can install the team viewer but you will have to give me some more instructions on how to do that and when.
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by c_prowse2001 »

I have the Mt. Rainier textures which are fantastic but I have one issue. At night the entire mountain glows as if it were daytime. Is this a glitch of some kind or how it is. Is there any way to correct this? Thanks.
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by Martin_Starski »

Yes, it was mentioned before and the update is being considered, however it has to be found a good way as we also need to optimze our sceneries, especially in terms of file sizes - we will see.
Martin_Starski wrote: Monday 29 Oct 2018, 20:10
ca177 wrote: Monday 29 Oct 2018, 15:16 Mt. Rainier texture at night
Yes, as far as I know it's on our "to-do list".
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by CycloneMike »

Back to my problem with P3D v4 not starting. I spent all day yesterday uninstalling P3D and reinstalling it. It started and stopped perfectly a half dozen times even with PMDG 737 NGX installed. It started once after I installed Seattle City X and Seattle Airports and now it won't start at all even after deactivating both those programs. Now I have to uninstall P3D again. Your programs look great and I wish I could use them since I have 7 of them. Is there anything we can do to make them work?
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by Martin_Starski »

As it's said - Stanislaw has to check this via TeamViewer, because we have never heard about such behaviour.

There are many TeamViewer guides, for example this one:

Of course you have to set the right time together, probably the best option is to do it in direct message to:
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by c_prowse2001 »

What are your settings at? Without knowing the capacity of your machine I would start at the deafault settings and see if you are running into a memory over run issue causing the ctd. The only times I have ever had issues with P3D and sceneries was in editing and making Tongass Fjords work which is for FSX and some of the AI had FSX files in them causing a CTD and then memory issues on my C drive and video card not able to keep up. I run a i7-7700 16GB and run all of my P3D on my 2TB F drive to keep my small 256GB C drive isolated so it can run the operating system without being overloaded with P3D and subsequent add ons. I am pretty sure it is a machine or set up issue and not Seattle X causing the problem. I am in no way affiliated with Drzewiecki just a customer. Keep us updated. Someone here should be able to help. I realize it can be frustrating. Do not give up.
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by 2bsc »

Hi there, I want to come back to a problem that was discussed a little way back, the black areas that are supposed to be shadows for the Airports package, but which are still visible if you don't own them.
Now I don't have them, but the City and T2G's KSEA since yesterday. So far so good, although I don't appreciate the fact these compromises are not mentioned at all anywhere in the products's description and even though I don't believe that there is no way other then adding those 4GBs of additional textures you mentioned. Yet that's not my point..

What got me confused is when I started comparing videos on youtube, e.g. Fangzahn's and Luis Linare's . Both are using City + Airports. Right before both touchdowns (RWYs16) you can see the Boeing factory to the left, Luis' as a modelled building as he is using your KSEA scenery, Fangzahn's as the plain T2G satelite image. Now, I would get a black shadow in this area and I don't understand why, since Fangzahn is, like me, using T2G and apparently deactivated your KSEA.

My question comes down to the following: why do I have to own your Airports package, only to have this Boeing factory being shown as Taxi2Gate intended with their imagery?? This doesn't make sense.. or is there a fix I didn't notice?

(I don't mind that e.g. the Boeing field containes a few black squares although as I mentioned it's very dissapointing, but when I get close to the ground like right before touchdown, these things really annoy me)

Still, thank you for your effort, the city center looks marvelous!
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by DD Stanislaw »

I am glad you like the city area.
I believe the easiest way to solve those black shadows problem would be for T2G to develop those buildings which they have missed. Unfortunately it is not possible to make a product 100% looking great with all kind of addon combinations and we were happy of achieving the full operational compatibility with the T2G scenery with as little errors as possible plus the 100% compatibility with all ORBX addons. As it was mentioned before, obviously both parts of our package were developed together and although each part does work separately the best visual and performance results are achieved when both - City and Airports are used.

BTW, the same thing will be with the Chicago project as there are several sceneries but other developers. We will do our best to make the compatibility list as large as possible but obviously it will look and perform best with our own city+airports combination. This is exactly we make this king of products, not just an airport with a few city landmarks. :wink:
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by 2bsc »

Thanks for the reply. I don't think for Taxi2Gate to develope this building would change a lot, since your City scenery seems to suppress the T2G's one in this area, or why is it not showing T2G's ground textures there? Are buildings and textures handled differently?
I was able to get rid of other parts where shadows were being shown by simply using your Demo of the airports, but the rest around KSEA remain.
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Re: Problem found for P3D wont start

Post by CycloneMike »

I found the cause, but I think there is still a bug in the P3D program. I have uninstalled and reinstalled P3D and all the scenery 3 times. On the 3rd time, I even downloaded all the programs again just to make sure I didn't have a corrupt version. What I found was that it wasn't the scenery, but the PMDG 737NGX. The program ran perfectly with all the add-on scenery installed and with the LM F22 even if I saved the flight as the default by putting a yellow check in the default box. But when I saved my flight with the 737 and put the check mark in the box, that is when it wouldn't start again. If I saved the flight without using the check mark everything was then alright. What that means is I can't have a default flight with the PMDG 737. I have to go into the start menu to select the flight I want which is no big deal, but I think there is a problem with the P3D program. As I mentioned, I downloaded the P3D program and the 737 a second time and it still misbehaved. It also had the same problem with my Majestic Dash 8. And I am ashamed to admit it but I wasted 4 days trying to figure out something so simple. I wonder how many others are having this same problem if any? I hope this helps them if they are out there. I knew it wasn't my computer because with the city and airports and all the ORBX scenery installed I am getting between 20 and 26 fps with all the sliders maxed out except the water is on medium.
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Re: Seattle City X

Post by Martin_Starski »

I'm glad to see that you found the solution. That's true - the best and safest option is to set default flight with a default plane and a default scenery. Otherwise you may expect some abnormalities.
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