UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by Martin_Starski »

Hi! If it doesn't help, please ask ORBX whether they can replicate your problem. They build their installer based on our files, so it might be that something is not working properly via Orbx central. In our installer, everything seems to be working as it should.
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by TigerCat »

Внезапно пропала фотоподложка. Возможно из-за снежного покрова это произошло ранее, но обратил внимание только сейчас. Файл Файл ...\drzewieckidesign-airport-uuee\CGL\120\sai132.cgl на месте.
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by Martin_Starski »

TigerCat wrote: Wednesday 08 May 2024, 04:27 Внезапно пропала фотоподложка.
Раньше все было хорошо?
Теоретически возможно, что наш cgl был прикрыт другим аддоном.
Также возможно, что такой же файл sai132.cgl есть в другом аддоном - вы проверяли, он только у нас?
Территория в MSFS разделена на сектора, и если вам достался аэропорт от кого-то еще в другой части города, он может прикрыть наш.
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by TigerCat »

Да. Раньше было всё хорошо. Я в одном из предыдущих сообщений публиковал фото этого района с ошибкой в меше.
Я иногда использую MSFS2020 Map Enhancement, который подменяет текстуры земли, но даже вроде эта программа не влияет в выключенном состоянии.
Говорят, что DX12 может отключать кастомные подложки.
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by TigerCat »

Загрузил UUEE без остальных аддонов и всё стало нормально. Видимо какой-то аддон перекрывает Шереметьево. Будем искать...
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by Martin_Starski »

Да, это, должно быть, какой-то другой аддон.
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by TacioTomcio »

Hi Everyone,

Its very nice scenery, however after purchuaising it from MS MArketplace, I cannot get the jetways to work with GSX.
Question, has anyone experienced similar issue? I do not have any issue with other Drzewiecki Design sceneries and Jetways (without additional GSX profiles), only UUEE does not work.
I used a 2 GSX profiles but Jetways do not work still.
I am considering Cartayna files, but will they fix the issue?
Or there is something else I need to configure I am not aware of.

Please help.
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Yes, Cartayna is guaranteed to fix the issue, it is a stand-alone product designed for just that.
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by TacioTomcio »

Thanks Stanislaw, appreciate quick response.
One thing brought my attention when digging in, namely as per FSDT, 3rd party sceneries bought on MS Marketplace wont work well, which is my case for UUEE and EPRZ and EETN (all other made by you I happened to purchase elsewhere), so do you know if this is still valid? FSDT writes on their page that to overcome this issue, I would need DRM free BGL file at least from you as developer, is this necessary?
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by DD Stanislaw »

I believe it might be better to ask Cartayna directly: viewtopic.php?t=534 (they are usually very responsive)
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by TacioTomcio »

Thanks, I will. Meanwhile, managed to get the Jetways work, should have read instruction from FSDL where they clearly says to remove 3rd party sceneries so that GSX does not take under account default ones.
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by SU_A320 »

Good evening (or good morning to those in Europe),

I would like to start by saying that I am a long time fan of your work from FSX days, and that SVO for MSFS is absolutely AMAZING, and very true to life from my recent experiences in the real airport. :)

I am only having one issue since purchasing GSX Pro yesterday, and that is that when deboarding/boarding in the Fenix A321, I see the passengers feet show through a portion of the jetway.

I'm using the Fenix A321, FS2Crew, GSX Pro, FSLTL, ActiveSky FS, and of course DD UUEE with this GSX profile: https://flightsim.to/file/40301/gsx-pro ... cki-design

I've attached screenshots below showing the issue.

Any ideas on how to fix this? or is this simply a limitation of GSX with third-party jetways? (It seems to be due to the fact that the jetway is slanted downward to load into the A321, but the passengers' path is "flat", so they start out at a normal height but as they move towards the terminal, they don't maintain the same height as the jetway, resulting in their feet/legs showing through towards the end of the jetway as they get close to the terminal).
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by DD Stanislaw »

Hello Nate.
Thank you!

We advise to purchase viewtopic.php?t=534 , which is a library of commercially-made GSX configurations for all our MSFS products. All of them are up-to-date and with active support from the development team, so we can guarantee that those work correctly with all our products. :wink:
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by SU_A320 »

DD Stanislaw wrote: Thursday 12 Sep 2024, 04:46 Hello Nate.
Thank you!

We advise to purchase viewtopic.php?t=534 , which is a library of commercially-made GSX configurations for all our MSFS products. All of them are up-to-date and with active support from the development team, so we can guarantee that those work correctly with all our products. :wink:
Okay, I see! Thank you sir! And also, I look forward to more awesome sceneries for MSFS from your team. :)
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Re: UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo MSFS

Post by drzfan025 »

Will the installer detect the MSFS 2024 community folder OK or will it need an update?
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