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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

There will be more strict warnings-related policy from now on. 3 warnings will result in a suspension preventing the user from writing posts, 4 warnings will result in a permanent ban from the forum. The warnings expire after 60 days. Braking our copyrights or sharing pirate links will result in immediate 4 warnings. The new rules should help a bit in keeping the order here and providing better support to those who really need it.

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Od dnia dzisiejszego obowiązuje bardziej restrykcyjny system ostrzeżeń. 3 ostrzeżenia to blokada pisania a 4 to całkowita blokada wejścia na forum. Ostrzeżenia wygasają po 60 dniach. Łamanie naszych praw autorskich tudzież publikowanie pirackich linków spowoduje dodanie od razu 4ch ostrzeżeń. Nowe zasady pomogą trochę w utrzymaniu porządku i zapewnienia supportu tym, którzy naprawdę go potrzebują.
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Krok po kroku będziemy usuwać polskie opisy poszczególnych działów forum. Podyktowane jest to następującymi czynnikami:

- dwujęzyczne opisy w oczywisty sposób wprowadzają większą ilość bałaganu
- każda osoba w Polsce, interesująca się lotnictwem w stopniu większym niz podstawowym, jest obeznana z podstawowymi angielskimi pojęciami na tyle, aby trafić bez problemu do odpowiedniego tematu
- oczywiście pisanie na forum pozostaje wielojęzyczne, mowa tylko o nazwach działów
- w przypadku wątku monojęzycznego w jego temacie będzie pojawiał się przedrostek, oznaczający ten język po angielsku (np. [Polish]). W praktyce będzie to dotyczyć tylko polskich wątków
- Regulamin forum będzie nadal dostępny po polsku, w delikatnie zmienionej formie
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

I am happy to inform that we are starting a cooperation with 2 new stores, fully dedicated to X-Plane Market: X-Aviation.com and X-Plane.org com . All our X-Plane products should be available there in a few days (some are already available).
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

To X-Plane customers:

We were trying hard to maintain a good cooperation between two largest X-Plane stores: X-Aviation and X-Plane.org , but we are having some hard time to place all our products at both of these stores. X-Plane.org published only one of the products while X-Aviation.com did not publish any of them (yet).

As for now I would recommend using other stores, which we have cooperated with for many years: http://www.drzewiecki-design.net/stores.htm . These are all professional platforms treating customers and developers in a way we expect. Unfortunately not all of them resell our X-Plane products, but you can use without any doubt Simmarket , Aerosoft and JustFlight . I am sorry if this is an unconvenience for some of X-Plane users, but there is really nothing more I can do.
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

X-Plane.org has now all our X-Plane products available. Have fun!
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Some of our old sceneries are available for download here:
Have fun!

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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Our website will be under construction for a few days - some pages might look incorrect.
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Ok, the upgraded website will be fully funtional tomorrow. BTW how do you like the changes?

There is a completely new drop-down menu designed allowing us to put more stuff there hence providing easier navigation for our Customers. We have also redesigned the home page - it now shows an interactive slideshow presenting our newest products and special offers.
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Ok, here is a comparison:



As for me it looks better and simplifies searching.

These pages will be uploaded tomorrow morning. In the future I will implement these menus to other products as well, but not now.
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

In the end of November we will be removing some unused forum accounts to maintain a number of 1600 users. In case you haven't loged-in for a long time but you wish to have your account not being removed, please log-in in next 3 weeks.
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

It seems that we have a few active spammers accounts on these forum. In case you get any private messages with spam/scam, please let me know.
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

We have started a cooperation with FlightSim Store: http://www.flightsimstore.com/index.php ... ers_id=188


The store will feature a "starter" 30% discount for all our published products till the end of this month.
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Post by seam1977 »

Super stronka, godna polecenia glownie na ORBX FTX. :D
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Bernhard Helbling wrote:Hello!
Yesterday I bought your New York City XP

at http://store.x-plane.org/
Order Confirmation # (...)

I got the link and I tried so many times to download the 1.1GB but every time it failed!
What do you think?
You like to waste my time and my money?
Do you think I do not have to do anything else than to sit in front of my computer and try and try and try ????
You will have a bad review if you will not solve this problem immediately!!

Thank you
Bernhard Helbling
Guys, this is EXACTLY the case when you should contact our ventors directly. We have nothing to do with how they make the downloads available, their download speeds and any type of payments/refunds. We do not sell anything to you - our vendors do. We provide customer support related to our products only. We are not responsible for all 10 (currently) ventors that we cooperate with. In these cases contacting the store where you bought our product is the only way to solve your problem.
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DD Stanislaw
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Today the new Products page has been uploaded: http://www.drzewiecki-design.net/products.htm . My wife didn't like it :P but I think it provides more clear navigation and it is now easier to find a product you are interested in. The previous version was fine when there were 10-15 products but now we have almost 50.

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