UUEE Moscow Sheremetyevo X V2

Latest version: v2.3 (2020)

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Post by Gavin »

DD Stanislaw wrote:
Gavin wrote:Can you ask them to provide the updated version please?
Negative - they have their own speed of uploading product updates unfortunately and sometimes it can take weeks. Use Simmarket instead - they publish new files in hours.
OK. Yes, I have learnt my lesson. I won't buy from Aerosoft again if the product is on Simmarket.
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

You are actually not the only one with this problem (unfortunately)...
http://drzewiecki-design.net/forum/view ... =8569#8569
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Post by EDDT-Sebi »

Hello Support,
I feel not good, because snow over taxiway..? See picture..!


And who want to change a parking as Gate as airlines..! ADEX work it not, because old afcad or AFX, only! I have been to work with ADEX..!! Ready, i give here download for ADEX FSX



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Post by Er!k »

DD Stanislaw wrote:UUEE v1.6 with AES:

1. Remove the old version of the scenery from the sim
2. Run AESHelp to set that there is no UUEE scenery installed
3. Install the new version of the scenery
4. Run AESHelp to activate the UUEE support again.

1. Удалить из сима старую версию сцены;
2. запустить AESHelp, чтобы в ней отметилось, что сценария нет;
3. поставить новую версию сцены;
4. запустить AESHelp, чтобы AES для сцены снова активировался.
Thanks to Simrussia for the hint.
Oliver released a fix to add the missing jetway bridge over here:

http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/to ... ent-737119
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Post by SkaldDKO »

Still having the elevation problem. Also I can say definitely, that after installing the scene, deleting uuee_alt.bgl and entering the scenery list to recalculate the data base sim loads normally fore one time. After that - the same old story. Also i saw reports about such behavior on russian avsim.su

Just noticed that anytime deactivating/activating scene in lybrary helps to load sim correctly fore one time. It's definitely weird!
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Victor, I am afraid I am not able to provide you any helpful answer right now. It does not seem to be a scenery-dependent issue, at least something more than the scenery might cause the problem.
EDDT-Sebi wrote:I feel not good, because snow over taxiway..?
Hello. Have you ever been in Russia in winter?
http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4116/239 ... 6eb_XL.jpg
http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6441/239 ... a8b_XL.jpg
http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4117/239 ... 181_XL.jpg
EDDT-Sebi wrote:And who want to change a parking as Gate as airlines..! ADEX work it not, because old afcad or AFX, only! I have been to work with ADEX..!!
I am not interested in what software you work with - let me just remind you that reverse engineering of our files is illegal (without a written permission) and may be treated as a case of braking the copyright law. Please read the product license prior to changing anything in it. You can also view the license in our DEMOs - its the same lincense.
Drzewiecki Design license wrote:NO REVERSE ENGINEERING. In order to protect the trade secrets and proprietary know-how contained in the Product, you will not decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Product except as expressly permitted by applicable law.
Drzewiecki Design license wrote:SCENERY DESIGNERS. You are not allowed to decompile, convert or make changes to any files included in the product, without written permission from Drzewiecki Design.
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Textures problem

Post by Maxx-driver »


When i first time load my flight in UUEE - all ok. I am start the engine, taxi to hold and enjoy beautiful scenery - fly to ULLI (for example) and come back to Moscow.

And on approach i always see this horror:


If i'm exit to main menu FSX and reload the flight all restore:


in next flight everything is repeated again and again
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Hmm, never seen this. I think you might ask about this on a general forum like Simrussia as right now I don't have any idea what might cause this type of a problem.
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Post by Gavin »


I have the latest UUEE installed exactly as instructed, including manual deletion of old SODE files. Also I have the latest SODE installed as instructed. But with UUEE I get no jetways - well, sometimes I do, but usually I do not. The SODE platform manager shows that SODE is registered and active (both boxes are green).

What can I do to get these jetways to appear every time?

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Post by Martin_Starski »

Gavin, can you inform in which simulator do you have a problem?

Can you confirm the order of things you did before installation of new UUEE scenery? I understand that you removed the UUEE folder from Addon Scenery and the following files:

FS Folder\SODE\cfg\Drzewiecki Design.sdx
FS Folder\SODE\sdx\UUEE_X.sdx
FS Folder\SimObjects\Misc\DrzewieckiDesign_UUEE

Do you have all necessary files in each folder of new SODE installation path: C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE ?

Maybe you can also send the logs from SODE manager, which can show the source of problem.

And the last thing - please confirm that during installation you didn't mark the AES-compatiblity.

That's all I can suggest.
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Post by Gavin »

Hi Marcin.

Thanks for getting back to me.

FSX. Order - uninstalled UUEE from FSX and also from Addon Scenery. Manually uninstalled the 3 FS Folder/SODE files you mentioned. Installed latest version of UUEE. I had earlier installed the latest SODE for the latest EPWA upgrade.

Yes, the C:/ProgramData/etc stuff is there.

No, I did not mark AES compatibility as I have never used AES.

Here's part of the log, I can't post it all as it's too long:

[16:08:32.139] INFO : Targetting Platform 'FSX'
[16:08:32.139] DEBUG : Initializing Text Menus...
[16:08:32.139] DEBUG : Initializing Seasonal Object Handler...
[16:08:32.139] DEBUG : Initializing SimObject Lists...
[16:08:32.139] DEBUG : Initializing QuadTree...
[16:08:32.139] DEBUG : Initializing Sound Engine...
[16:08:32.170] INFO SODE.SOUNDENGINE : SoundEngine initialized.
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG : Initializing Sim Bubble...
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG : Initializing AI Monitor...
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG : Initializing Jetway Handler...
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG : Initializing VDGS Handler...
[16:08:32.170] WARN : VDGS Pack is not found/installed!
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG : Start Main Initialization!
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG : Trying to read Settings from SimObjectsDisplayEngine.ini file...
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG SODE.SETTINGS : All Settings successfully read.
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG SODE.SETTINGS : CurrentSettings -> SoundEngine=1; WatchDog=1; UserJetwaySound=1; SecMenuHotKey=SHIFT+VK_MINUS; AIDetection=0; AIJetwaySound=0
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG : Trying to find Custom Configuration files...
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG SODE.XML : Finding SDX CFG Files...
[16:08:32.170] INFO SODE.XML : sdx File Found: DrzewieckiDesign.sdx!
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG : Trying to build SimObject List out of Custom Config files...
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG SODE.XML : Decompiling SDX Custom Config File
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG SODE.XML : SDX Decompilation successful!
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG SODE.XML : Found valid SDX Custom Configuration
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG SODE.XML : SDX Custom Configuration Data extracted
[16:08:32.170] INFO SODE.XML : sdx File Found: EPWA_X.sdx!
[16:08:32.170] INFO SODE.XML : sdx File Found: UUEE_X.sdx!
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG SODE.XML : SDX Decompilation successful!
[16:08:32.170] DEBUG SODE.XML : SDX Decompilation successful!
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : Trying to find XML Definition files...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.XML : Finding XML Files...
[16:08:32.185] INFO SODE.XML : xml File Found: MKSTUDIOS_Jetways.xml!
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : Trying to build SimObject List out of XML definition files...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.XML : Building List from File 'C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\xml\MKSTUDIOS_Jetways.xml'
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 412 422 MK': Model 'MK Jetway Low' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 410 MK': Model 'MK Jetway Low' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 503 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 503 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 505 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 505 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 507 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 507 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 509 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 509 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 518 508 MK': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 508 528 MK': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 432 MK': Model 'MK Jetway Low' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 701 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 701 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 702 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 702 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 703 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 703 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High Grey' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 704 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 704 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 705 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 705 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 706 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 706 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 707 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 707 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 708 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 708 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 709 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 709 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 710 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 710 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 711 MK Inner': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] WARN SODE.XML : Jetway SimObject 'Gate 711 MK Outer': Model 'MK Jetway High' has no StaticSimTitle Attribute defined!
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.XML : XML Data successfully read and List created.
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : List generated! Trying now to insert into QuadTree...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : QuadTree populated with SimObject references.
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : Trying to generate Aircraft Parameter Map from the INI file...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.ACFTPARAMS : Door Parameters read for 26 ICAO Aircraft Types.
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : SDX/XML/INI Handling done! Start FS Processing...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : Initializing Internal Sounds...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : All Initialization Done!
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.FSPROCESS : Trying to connect to FS...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.FSPROCESS : Connected to FS!
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.FSPROCESS : Secondary Text-Menu Hotkey set -> SHIFT+VK_MINUS
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.FSPROCESS : Setting up Connection Watchdog...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.FSPROCESS : Entering FS Dispatch Loop.
[16:09:01.313] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : SODE connected to Simulator...
[16:09:01.355] DEBUG SODE.ACFTEXITS : No Custom Data Found for C:/Flight Simulator X/SimObjects/Airplanes/Aircreation_582SL/. Using original aircraft.cfg exit data!
[16:09:01.358] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\
[16:09:01.414] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Rotorcraft\
[16:09:01.416] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\GroundVehicles\
[16:09:01.430] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Boats\
[16:09:01.442] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Animals\
[16:09:01.442] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Misc\
[16:09:01.488] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\Program Files (x86)\12bPilot\SODE\data\SimObjects\
[16:09:01.488] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\SimObjects\
[16:09:01.499] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\Program Files (x86)\12bPilot\SODE\data\SimObjects\
[16:09:01.499] DEBUG SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : Looking for sim.cfg files in C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\SimObjects\
[16:09:01.510] INFO SODE.FOLDERMANAGER : SODE SimObjects Map Building completed. Size=87
[16:09:01.510] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : Successfull Registration of Reserved Key -> s Tab+S
[16:09:08.644] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : SeasonalObjectHandler: Variables initialized!
[16:10:08.448] DEBUG SODE.ACFTEXITS : Found Custom Exit Data.
[16:10:08.458] DEBUG SODE.ACFTEXITS : Custom Exit Data extracted!
[16:10:08.458] DEBUG SODE.ACFTEXITS : Custom Exit Data extracted!
[16:10:38.980] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : SeasonalObjectHandler: Refreshing Season/Time Data...
[16:11:28.673] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : ### Active SimObjects: 0; Active Wind Data Probes: 0
[16:12:34.713] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : SeasonalObjectHandler: Refreshing Season/Time Data...
[16:13:34.685] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : SeasonalObjectHandler: Refreshing Season/Time Data...
[16:14:34.729] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : SeasonalObjectHandler: Refreshing Season/Time Data...
[16:15:34.698] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : SeasonalObjectHandler: Refreshing Season/Time Data...
[16:16:34.692] INFO SODE.FSLOOP : SeasonalObjectHandler: Refreshing Season/Time Data...
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

[16:08:32.185] INFO SODE.XML : xml File Found: MKSTUDIOS_Jetways.xml!
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : Trying to build SimObject List out of XML definition files...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.XML : Building List from File 'C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\xml\MKSTUDIOS_Jetways.xml'
Looks like a conflict with another scenery to me but lets check Jeffrey's opinion.
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Post by Gavin »

DD Stanislaw wrote:
[16:08:32.185] INFO SODE.XML : xml File Found: MKSTUDIOS_Jetways.xml!
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG : Trying to build SimObject List out of XML definition files...
[16:08:32.185] DEBUG SODE.XML : Building List from File 'C:\ProgramData\12bPilot\SODE\xml\MKSTUDIOS_Jetways.xml'
Looks like a conflict with another scenery to me but lets check Jeffrey's opinion.
Thanks for getting back to me Stas.

I have 3 products using SODE. DD EPWA and UUEE and MKStudio's Rome. All FSX.
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Post by Patrick Chaieb »


First of all, thank you very much for updating all of your recent airports and this for free! I realy appreciate this service.

After returning from my vacations, I installed everything to the newest version.
I only found this "mistake" at UUEE on the link to the new Runway. Should this realy looks like this at this stage?
I deleted the old version. I also use FTX Global, landclass and Vector.

Kind Regards

Best Regards
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Post by DD Stanislaw »

Indeed, this is how it should look like right now... and this is how it actually looks in the real life: https://goo.gl/maps/1pLoNN8C4fK2
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